Wednesday, February 13, 2008

VD: On Valentine's Day

(Haha, get it?)

Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. (Now you have no excuse to say you forgot, so don’t even try). Whenever I get visibly excited about it, at least three people give me an eye roll or an “oh my god, I totally, like, hate National Singles Awareness Day because I’m so totally defensive and view it as, like, an assault on my sad life and I love hating everything, blah blah blah face.” My arguments of “but you don’t have to have a sweetie to like Valentine’s Day!” and “just use it as an occasion to show a friend you care!” usually go unheeded.

One of my TAs coined the description “the commodification of intimacy” in class on Monday. I understand her sentiments- the pink and white displays of Spongebob valentines are enough to make even the most ardent supporters of the day (i.e. yours truly) want to throw up a little bit. But it got me thinking. Is the commodification of intimacy really worse than the commodification of Irish heritage or an illegitimate holy child? As a culture, we’ve bastardized all kinds of lovely things and turned them into tickity tack holidays.

A male friend of mine who shall remain anonymous told me, “you have no idea how much pressure there is for guys.” Possible, but I feel like most of that pressure comes from within. Most of the girls I know would be happy just to spend the day with someone special, and maybe a card if the guy’s feeling generous.

So, instead of grumbling through the day tomorrow, why not curl up and watch Ninja Warrior with your SO, or make moon eyes at each other over White Castle cheeseburgers. If you're available, plan something fun with your friends. Two VDay's ago, back when I had girl friends, a bunch of us went to the mall and bought ourselves chocolate and underwear- it was such a blast. Hell, go ahead and just embrace the excuse to eat a ton of pink-frosted cookies. Valentine’s Day is all about love, which, in my book, is definitely something worth celebrating.


Anonymous said...

*sigh* I wish I still got Ninja Warrior. We lost G4 about 3 months ago.

Also, don't forget the joy of heart-shaped pizza and video games.

LindyLou said...

Yes, the cupidity of the Valentine Industry is enough to sour almost anyone about Valentine's Day. I'm glad to hear that you still enjoy the idea of a day dedicated to celebrating love of all sorts.
Maybe it's that traditional Valentine's Day treat that's kept you so sweet. A to you.

Anonymous said...

National Singles Awareness Day would be a wonderful idea, actually. Simply find everyone who has a SO, and on that day legally confine them to their place of residence. The only people allowed to go to classes, work, etc. or leave their residence for any reason that way are those who are single. It would be interesting. So much of the awkwardness would be removed if there were a way to readily distinguish if someone is single or not.

As a special added bonus, have this day be February 7th. The extra pair-ups that would happen that day would ensure that people would have a companion for the upcoming obnoxious glorification of Cupid and his antics.