Thursday, February 28, 2008

Kicking my Coke Habit

It may be a little late to consider this a New Years Resolution, but I've decided to give up caffeine. I've spent far too many nights channel-surfing at 2:00 a.m., looking for something that I can fall asleep to for five hours. Facing my alarm every morning is a nightmare, which only perpetuates the coffee-clutching cycle. After talking about it (over coffee, funnily enough) with my brother Patrick and his friend Erin, I decided to try giving up the juice.

I'm on Day 3 and it actually feels pretty great. I haven't had any of the dreaded headaches that I've heard so much about and I've found that, so far, I really look forward to bedtime. I start pleasantly winding down at around 10 so I'm ready to turn in at a reasonable hour. I feel like I'm a hippie on juice detox or something.

Of course, it's hard to throw away my love affair for Diet Coke, the international beverage of choice for young women who appreciate its sugar substitutes and the sheer American classic-ness. But I've traded the silver label for gold (an upgrade, I guess?) and it tastes the same, so I'll deal. In the meantime, don't be surprised when I'm not online in the wee hours of the morning. I'll be tucked away, snug as the proverbial bug, while visions of decaf dance in my head.


P.S. I do realize the irony of posting this at one in the morning, but I don't have class on Fridays so I'll do what I want. Booyah!
P.P.S. I see that blogger is telling the world that I wrote this at 10:45. Blogger is lying to you.

1 comment:

LindyLou said...

Just don't bring any of that kind of revolutionary nonsense around here, young lady.
Are you sure that so called "Patrick" is really related to you at all? It seems to run counter to heredical evidence.
You both have driven me to drink--I hope Starbucks isn't closed yet.