Sunday, February 15, 2009

Social Media for Dummies

One of my many New Year's Resolutions (yeah, I'm a bit late) is to familiarize myself with every social media outlet possible to make myself irresistably attractive to potential employers, most of whom think that facebook is a magical brainwashing tool that will make my very desirable demographic do anything. Yes, we know better, but my need to learn it all has prompted me to do a couple of very important things.

A) Start this blog back up. Expect to see humor, music/movie/etc. reviews, rants about the news, and lots of stuff about media.

B) Sign up for a Twitter account. I know, it makes me want to cry too. However, there is a happy side! I can follow LeVar Burton, former Reading Rainbow host, and you can follow ME! My mind-blowingly creative username is LRHayden.

Things to Come:
-A review of "Exposed," the School of Design senior fashion show (February 21)
-A review of Jimmy Eat World's tenth-anniversary "Clarity" show in Chicago (February 28)
-Everything I have ever learned about being a young aspiring journalist

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